
Supervision is a relationship in which I can offer guidance and support to facilitate your development as a reflective counselling practitioner. Supervision provides a safe space to reflect upon the therapeutic relationships that you co-create with your clients.  It is a collaborative process in which the safety and protection of clients can also be monitored.

My Developing Approach to Supervision

My counselling approach is underpinned by the understanding that it is the therapeutic relationship between counsellor and client which enables new meaning and knowledge to emerge and facilitates change.

So in supervision my attention will focus on process ie the dynamics of the therapeutic relationship. By becoming aware of and listening to the emotions provoked by clients in the person of the therapist (the counter transference) and by stimulating curiosity about what this means for the client’s organising principles and relationships, a new understanding of the clinical work can emerge.

To facilitate such an approach I will create a safe relationship so that sitting with uncertainty will be possible. I will share my own emotional reactions to both the client and supervisory relationships. I am particularly interested in working with supervisees using sand tray and other creative methods which I have found to be extremely effective in revealing new understandings of the therapeutic encounter.

I acknowledge that, in addition to the above, at certain times our supervision sessions will need to focus on other matters such as ethical considerations, contextual working considerations etc.

My fees for supervision are as follows:

£55 for a 1 hour session and £70 for a 90 minute session.

Concessions available for trainee counsellors are £40 for an hour session and £55 for a 90 minute session.